Taking Care of Your Veneers

Taking Care of Your Veneers

Think of porcelain veneers as masks for the teeth. They’re a layer of ultra-thin porcelain shells that will are placed over your natural teeth for concealing cosmetic concerns such as discoloration, gaps between teeth, chips, and unevenly-shaped teeth. This cosmetic dentistry treatment should last you 10 years or longer with routine maintenance by your dentist at Northern Westchester Prosthodontics in Katonah, NY, Dr. Terry Lin, and these easy care tips.

Continue with Your Regular Oral Hygiene Habits

You won’t have to make drastic modifications to your oral care routine but you’ll still need to make certain that you continue brushing your pearly whites at least twice daily, flossing them at least once daily, and rinsing with fluoridated or antibacterial mouthwash. As usual, brush for a minimum of two minutes and use a soft-bristled brush and fluoridated toothpaste. These habits will ensure the health of your natural teeth and your porcelain veneers.

Don’t Use Your Porcelain Veneers for Chewing on Hard Foods and Things

While porcelain veneers are immensely durable, they’re still not up to par with your real teeth. Avoid chewing on things like pens or your fingernails. Additionally, hard nuts, candy apples, pretzels, and similar hard foods are bad for your porcelain veneers.

If you must eat hard foods, you can use your back teeth for chewing or cut them up into tiny pieces prior to eating them to help make sure that your veneers won’t do any hard work. Likewise, while porcelain veneers are highly resistant to stains, you will still have to refrain from drinks and foods that cause stains since you’ll still have your natural teeth.

Don’t Forget to See Your Dentist Regularly

Always go to your scheduled dental cleanings and checkups. This will help your dentist in Katonah, NY, monitor not only your overall oral health but the condition of your porcelain veneers as well. Also, take note that this cosmetic dentistry treatment can be affected by teeth grinding or bruxism, so regular visits to your dentist are an excellent way to keep track of this condition and other dental issues that could endanger your oral health.

For More Details on Porcelain Veneers and Other Cosmetic Dentistry Services We Offer, Contact Us

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Terry Lin, our dentist here at Northern Westchester Prosthodontics in Katonah, NY, by dialing (914) 232-8190.

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